Balgenroth is an incredibly mineral rich piece of land known for its unending mines and high quality metals. The worlds metallic goods rely on balgenroths mines. The population is mostly unknown.
The extraction of iron for centuries has left the air filled with iron dust turning the sky red, with sunsets creating blood red sunsets. Much of the iron dust tended to blow south-west to Occasum-solis supplying its soil with minerals, however recently the direction has changed and heads eastward toward Conquere. Dedicated followers of Naura see this land as cursed due to its heavy pollution.Â
People who work in the cramped mines rarely see the surface, and it is heavily rumored that they enslave kobalds, orcs and tieflings to mine their ores. Most of the worlds famous blacksmiths come from this region. The surface is very quiet here as most people are too poor to leave the mines, and those who can move typically want out of Balgenroth. The lifespan here is much shorter than average due to people getting the "iron lung" which is where iron dust begins to clog you lungs making it hard to breath, eventually killing you.